Endpoint Threat Protection

Bitdefender endpoint protection is installed and rolled out to your team easily with best-practice policies managed by Havoc Shield.

Bitdefender endpoint protection is installed and rolled out to your team easily with best-practice policies managed by Havoc Shield.

Criminals are constantly developing new ways to attack your computers directly, trick employees into installing malicious programs, and steal data. Small businesses may think they’re not a target, but that couldn’t be more untrue. Small businesses with 100 employees or less now face the same risk of attack as a 20,000-person company.

By activating this tool, Your team will be assigned a task to install business-grade Bitdefender GravityZone, including combined anti-virus and anti-malware protection. It works for both Windows and Mac! Best-practice policies, including how to handle identified threats are managed for you by Havoc Shield and updates are installed automatically.

We'll take care of emailing your team so they'll know what to expect and remind those who haven't installed the protection every few days to do so. You can monitor installation and protection status across team members by clicking on the tool's report button post-activation.

How many licenses can I buy?

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How many people can I add?

As many as you want!