Asset Inventory

The Asset Inventory is a simple tool we’ve built to make it easy to inventory the hardware and software that make up your infrastructure.

You can’t protect your company assets without knowing what they are, who’s authorized to use them, what risks they represent, and where they’re located.

The Asset Inventory is a simple tool we’ve built to make it easy to inventory the hardware and software that make up your infrastructure.

With a good asset inventory, you’ll be able to accurately understand where the risk lies within your organization, and if you’re attacked, be able to much more effectively navigate what needs attention.

This tool makes it simple to add new assets with a few fields to describe it, and the ability to create custom asset categories to tailor the inventory to the way your infrastructure is laid out.

Large customers will often want to see proof of an accurate asset inventory to judge your preparedness and risk level, and first responders will need it should an attack happen.

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